Happy Sunday!
This week the priests of our diocese will gather here in Flagstaff for our annual Priest Convocation. This is a unique time of year when we gather together as a presbyterate to share prayer, community, and discuss topics pertinent to our priestly ministry. The main portion of this week will be spent together listening to presentations on evangelization in the modern world. It’s always a good time when we can gather together and take time apart to rejuvenate.
Many of you have asked me when we can expect a new priest. As you know, this is not the typical time of year when priest assignments are made. That being the case, there are not many possibilities and so I have been told that we will likely not receive a new priest until December. I am incredibly grateful for the assistance of Fr. Peter Dobrowski, a retired priest here in Flagstaff, for all of his help on my day off and times when I will be out of Flagstaff. Please pray for more vocations to the priesthood, especially from our own parish. A few months ago we were fortunate to have three priests and now, for the time being, we are down to one. These things happen unexpectedly, as you know, but the Lord always provides. In the meanwhile, I am grateful not only for Fr. Peter and his help, but also our wonderful staff which does such a great job to help make our parish a wonderful place.
Know of my prayers for you all and have a great week!