Prayer & Worship Ministries

24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration

Parishioners are Adoring the Blessed Sacrament around the clock except when Mass is scheduled.

Please consider spending time with Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration. Pray for Jesus to increase your faith in His True Presence and His unfailing love and mercy. It is an ideal time for the whole family to pray together. Come be with the Lord!

To sign up, simply go to, or contact one of these division leaders:

  • 12:00-5:00am - Becky Castillo at 928-853-7976
  • 6:00-11:00am - Valerie Hubbard at 928-853-4172
  • 12:00-5:00pm - Sabra Zedick at 928-890-4813
  • 6:00-11:00pm - Jen Bednar at 928-607-2973

Intercessory Prayer Group

After every Sunday Mass we pray over any person who requests special prayers in the Adoration Chapel.

Contact: J.J. Ashley at 527-1121 or Aurora Veazie at 226-0084.

Militia of the Immaculata

Militia of the Immaculata is a worldwide evangelization movement founded by the Franciscan Priest and Martyr of Charity, St. Maximilian Kolbe, in 1917 that encourages total consecration to the Blessed Viergin Mary as a means of personal conversion and sanctification and of spiritual renewal of society.

Join us as we study the writings of St. Maximilian Kolbe, pray the Rosary and discuss our Ministries at our monthly meeting, the 1st Saturday of the month, 10:30am in the Parish Office.

Contact: Fr. Michael Gilbert at or 928-779-1341 ext. 117