A God Who Weeps with Us

03-26-2023Weekly Reflection© LPi Colleen Jurkiewicz Dorman

And Jesus wept.” — John 11:35

It strikes me every time I read the story of Lazarus’ resurrection. Of all the amazing and surprising things to occur in this Gospel passage — dead man walking! (well, dead man hopping, really) — it is this small detail that never fails to catch my eye, never fails to compel me and confound me.


A Journey of Preparation

03-19-2023Weekly Reflection© LPi Br. Silas Henderson

For those involved parish faith formation, the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Sundays of Lent are, in many ways, among the most important celebrations of the entire year. These are the Sundays of the Scrutinies, ancient and meaningful rituals that are an essential part of the OCIA (the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, also known as the RCIA).


Seek a Well of Living Water

03-12-2023Weekly Reflection© LPi

It all really boils down to whether we believe the Lord is in our midst. A simple response of “yes” creates the seedbed for faith and paves the way for dismantling some of the illusions we desperately cling to. We harbor illusions that inhibit our pathways not only to God but to one another. Illusions of separateness, superiority, and self-sufficiency are but a few. We all too easily forget what water we need to drink, where to find God’s presence, what we need to grow in faith, and how God acts in the lives of those he loves.


A Small Glimpse of Jesus’ Great Glory

03-05-2023Weekly ReflectionDouglas Sousa, S.T.L.

In today's Gospel, Jesus leads Peter, James, and John up a mountain and reveals to them his glory as the only Son of the Father. They had already come to believe in him because of his words and miracles. In the previous chapter of Matthew's gospel, Peter had made his profession of faith that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the Living God. This, now, was an opportunity to see for themselves the divine glory of Jesus hidden in his humanity.