It's Good to be Back

07-30-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Dan Connealy

Happy Sunday!

I am about a month in here at SFdA and finally writing my first bulletin letter. Typically, I like to give everyone updates on what is happening around the parish in these letters. Sometimes I will offer a short reflection on the Sunday readings here, or talk about a saint or feast day that we will be celebrating in the week. This week, I want to offer words of gratitude to each of you for welcoming me back so warmly. When I found out the bishop wanted me to return to Flagstaff I was very grateful. However, there is always an element of the unknown, even in the things we know. I had no cause for concern!

Everyone has been so kind and it has been a blessing for me to see so many familiar faces, and hear from you about what has been happening in your lives the past five years. It’s also been wonderful to get to meet many of you who have moved to Flagstaff since I left. San Francisco de Asis continues to be a vibrant parish!

It seems strange to say, but a new school year is already upon us. Many of you know that we have a new principal this year, Mr. Thomas Sorci. We are grateful for his presence and the leader ship. He brings to our wonderful school. Please keep all our students and teachers in prayer as we begin the new academic year.

While the year school year is beginning, many of our young people will be on pilgrimage to Portugal for World Youth Day (WYD). This is a gathering of young people from all over the world out which Pope Francis will tend of reside at mass for everyone. This event happens about every three years. I had the opportunity to go after my second year of seminary was father Matt. The year it was in Madrid, Spain. The final mass was in an old airfield with hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world. It was beautiful to spend the week meeting people from so many different countries, listening to talks from wonderful speakers, and praying with the universal church. I pray are young people will have a fruitful experience and return renewed in their face.

It’s good to be back at Flagstaff. I hope everyone has a great week and no of my prayers for each of you!