Back to School / The Transfiguration

08-06-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Dan Connealy

Happy Sunday!

Well, it finally came, the start of a new school year! It’s great having our students back on campus. This past week was filled with teachers, parents, and finally the students making their way back to the halls of SFdA. I’m grateful for the leadership of our new principal, Mr. Tom Sorci, as the academic year gets underway. Please keep our students in your prayers for a successful and grace-filled year.

On Friday morning, the 11th, we will offer a Mass of the Holy Spirit to inaugurate the new school year. This is a small “t” tradition that the Church has observed in various places throughout the years. During my seminary studies, the rector of the university would offer this Mass to ask for the grace and presence of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the students and teachers.

This Sunday falls on August 6th which means that instead of celebrating the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time we celebrate the feast of the day, the Transfiguration of Jesus. In the Transfiguration Jesus glory shines through His humanity in such a way that He becomes the source of light to those present. When God the Father speaks from Heaven He says what He always says in the New Testament, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” Why is this all God says? Because in Jesus Christ, God has said everything that He desires to say to us. We think of the Blessed Mother at the wedding feast of Cana when she tells the servers, “Do whatever He tells you.” As Jesus shows His glory to the disciples on the mountain this Sunday we bask in His glory and recommit ourselves to living the entirety of the Gospel.

Have a great week and know of my prayers!