Lots of Changes

08-27-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Dan Connealy

Happy Sunday!

This week is Fr. Dan Vanyo’s last week with us. I want to thank him for his presence here these last four years. I have been grateful for his help since I arrived just two months ago. He has been very generous with his time, especially being present to the school children by offering adoration every week. This has had a tremendous impact on our school and it is in large part due to his efforts. Please keep him in prayer as he begins his time as Parochial Administrator at El Cristo Rey in the Grand Canyon. His first official day there will be this Friday, September 1. If you are able to make it there is a farewell barbecue for him Sun, Aug 27 at 4:00pm. We wish him well!

On Friday, as Fr. Vanyo leaves, we welcome a seminarian who will be doing a pastoral year with us. His name is Joseph Nguyen and he is nearing the end of his studies. Bishop Dolan has assigned him to us for the academic year to be able to experience the life of our vibrant community. You will often see him serving at Mass, helping with Religious Education, youth group, and RCIA. Please keep him in your prayers during this time.

I’ve been asked a few times about a new priest coming. That is the plan but I am still waiting to hear from the diocesan offices about who will come and when. I’m sure once I know it will be announced shortly.

It wasn’t my plan to write about so many changes this week but so it goes. Thank you for your patience with all these transitions and your support. These two months here have been a great blessing for me and I am excited for what the Lord has in store. Have a great week and know of my prayers!