What Fr. Connealy has been reading

10-29-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Dan Connealy

Happy Sunday!

I am writing this ahead of time since I will be finishing up my retreat this weekend. Thank you for your prayers for me while away. This week we have a Holy Day of Obligation on Wednesday, November 1st. Please see the Mass schedule in the bulletin for the Mass times and locations. I will be back for all of these Masses.

Every now and then some of you will ask me what I’ve been reading. I suppose now is as good of a time as any to share some of the books I’ve recently read (or re-read). One series I am always working through is a four volume commentary on the Gospel according to Matthew called Fire of Mercy: Heart of the Word by Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis. This is one of my all time favorite commentaries. The author, now known as Fr. Simeon, does a beautiful job of opening up the Gospel and expounding on it's depths.

I recently re-read a favorite novel of mine called The End of the Affair by Graham Greene. It does have a scandalous title but is a remarkable read about a woman caught in sin who begins to struggle with her atheistic beliefs. In her journey for truth she encounters the Catholic church. This novel is very much about the yearnings of the human heart and how only God can truly satisfy them.

The third and final book I’ll mention for this installment is called Thirst by Scott Harrison. Scott tells about his journey living the nightclub life in New York City before he experiences his conversion back to Christianity. An evangelical, Scott has spent his life since his conversion starting a non-profit that brings clean water to people all over the world.

Have a great week and I look forward to seeing everyone for the Solemnity of All Saints!