Bringing Communion to the Homebound

10-15-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Dan Connealy

Happy Sunday!

As the semester gains steam it makes me thankful for all the wonderful volunteers we have in our parish. One way that many of you volunteer is by bringing Holy Communion to the sick and homebound. A few weeks ago on a Sunday, one of our wonderful volunteers reached out and told me they had just been to visit someone in the hospital who was very ill and dying. The gentleman (we can call him Leo) had asked to be baptized. Leo was in his mid thirties and had been sick for a while. Our volunteer prayed with him and soon reached out to me to see if baptism was possible. That Sunday I had all the Masses, but being able to go see Leo after the last Mass of the day was so energizing!

I shared with him who Jesus was, what the Church teaches in the Creed, and what it meant to be baptized and confirmed. He said, “Yes, I want that.” It was beautiful. I baptized and confirmed him in his hospital room and then gave him his first Holy Communion. People like you who give of your time to visit the sick are one of the reasons this parish is so special. Because our volunteers are so generous, Leo was able to receive these Sacraments and enjoy the beauty of the Catholic church in the last week of his life. Thank you to all of you who are so generous in serving our community and spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ!

A few weeks ago at the end of Mass I spoke about our 2022-2023 Financial Report. I want to thank everyone who has been able to increase their regular giving. This makes an important difference for us and allows us to continue the work of our parish in Flagstaff. This weekend you will see our financial report for the first quarter of the new fiscal year (July-September 2023). We will continue to keep you updated each quarter. Thank you again for your prayers and support and know of mine for each of you.