
04-25-2021Weekly Reflection© J. S. Paluch Company

There’s nothing like belonging. Many of our deepest experiences in life are of the belonging we feel among family or close friends. We may experience belonging within our parish, even saying we are “at home“ in our faith community. Sometimes we say we belong to a school alumni Association or social club. Our deepest belonging however is in the heart of God. We are God's children, precious in God sight. We are so treasured that Jesus laid down his life for us. Knowing that we belong to God and Jesus Christ gives us a new eternal perspective on life. Peter understood this when he explained that his healing of the man who had been disabled from birth have been accomplished through Christ. Jesus describes the relationship between him and those who believe in him in intimate terms – we who were in relationship with Christ know that our very lives depend upon him.


New Life

04-18-2021Weekly Reflection© J. S. Paluch Company

Peter saw Jesus after the resurrection. He listened as Jesus told the disciples all that have been written about him in the Scriptures, all that he had said and done when he was ministering among them. Peter heard how Jesus said fulfilled all in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the Psalms. Jesus the Messiah had come to be among them to bring them peace, to offer forgiveness of their sins. Peter shared this good news with the crowd together to hear him tell the secret story, the story of God’s love, poured out and Jesus the Christ and offered to the whole world. All who here and believe her offer new life, life in which God’s love is perfect in them. Are you listening? Are you ready to share in this abundant new life?



04-11-2021Weekly Reflection© J. S. Paluch Company

What a difference faith makes! The faith of the early community of believers led them to rise beyond the selfishness that so many of us struggle with as they group and communion with Christ and one another. They did not find the Commandments burdensome, but rather centered their lives on the love of God and neighbor that Jesus taught through his life, death, and resurrection. It is good for us to remember that faith is a gift. The journey of faith is not always straightforward and is often marked by doubt and moments of weakness. The apostles’ faith grew as they experience the risen Jesus. Jesus surely knew they needed the peace he offered in the presence of the Holy Spirit, as do we who have not seen the Lord and yet have come to believe in him.


Transformed by the Resurrection

04-04-2021Weekly Reflection© LPi

Alleluia! Christ is risen! Imagine the flood of emotions that Mary of Magdala must have experienced on that first Easter morning. Grieving and yet determined to visit the place where Jesus' body had been laid. Mary would have been stunned to find the tomb empty. Imagine Simon Peter and the other disciple who, upon hearing Mary's announcement, ran to see for themselves. On Easter, we hear the story of Jesus' resurrection as through for the first time, through the account of Mary's discover and the testimony of Peter who powerfully shared Christ's Paschal Mystery. We, too, have come to believe through their faithful witness. We are called to see what is above, turn away from sin, and live as people who are forever transformed by the Good News of Jesus' resurrection.