Updating our Records

07-14-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Dan Connealy

Happy Sunday!

We’re midway through July already and I can’t believe it. There continues to be quite a bit of activity in the parish. It’s a gift for me to see so many of you giving so generously of yourselves. There’s of course the regular events involving our funeral volunteers, rosary volunteers for funerals, cleaning the church and the chapels, as well as groups like the Knights of Columbus and our Senior Luncheon volunteers. Thank you so much to everyone who make our parish such a wonderful place to be.


Our Eyes are Fixed on the Lord

07-07-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Dan Connealy

Happy Sunday!

I hope everyone had a safe and restful Fourth of July. June was a whirlwind. We hosted a Mass with Fr. Joseph Nguyen, a Women's retreat, Vacation Bible School, and Camp Invention. For that reason, we shut down the office last week for a little repose. This week, we are open again and beginning to gear up for the coming year. Next weekend, our teens will be at the Steubenville West retreat in Tucson. Please keep them in your prayers as they take this time away to be with other teens and encounter the Lord more deeply.