Hope Pregnancy Resource Center's Annual Banquet

09-15-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Dan Connealy

Happy Sunday!

This week the priests of the Diocese of Phoenix will converge on Flagstaff for our annual Priest Convocation. This is a unique week where we can all get together, listen to a speaker, and share time in prayer together. Please keep us all in prayer throughout the week for a fruitful convocation!


Start of Religious Ed and Youth Groups

09-08-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Dan Connealy

Happy Sunday!

Today is the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the final day of the 33-day consecration to Jesus through Mary. Nativity Chapel downtown will be open from 9:00am until 3:00pm today to stop in and pray. For those of you who have participated in the consecration, I hope it has been fruitful.


Catechesis starts / We finish the Consecration

09-01-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Dan Connealy

Happy Sunday!

Labor Day weekend is here! Somehow it always comes so quickly. I used to think when I was out of school summer that I would somehow slow down. How foolish of me! It was still a great summer. I got to spend it here and enjoy the beautiful weather. Now, school is back is session and catechesis is starting back up for children, teens, and adults. It’s great to see the parish so alive once again!